Coaching You

Lianna recognizes the unique needs of each individual as they experience their personal state of healing. Through an in depth initial consult, all levels of an individual's development are taken into account, and a specialized care plan is established. Emotional, Sexual, and Physical health are taken into account, and a unique path to existential joy and self development becomes available to unfold.

Suggested Topics and Time Frames:

  • Sexual Confidence-/6 sessions

  • Extending your Sexual Experience - 6 sessions

  • Connecting with Your Erotic Being - 6 sessions

  • Developing Your Unique Kinks -  6/12 Sessions

  • Loving Yourself -  6/12 sessions

  • Healing Sexual Trauma - 6/12 sessions

  • Life After Divorce - 6/12 sessions

  • Emotional and Sexual Empowerment- 6/12 session

  • Awakening Your Sex Drive - 6/12 sessions

  • Becoming The Partner You Want To Be - 6/12 sessions

All topics are suggested for individuals interested in the 7 Day Intensive.

Sessions & Packages

First Session: Free

7 Day Boost: $399 = $88.00 Per Session

Single Session: $170.00

6 Session Package: $150 (Per Session)

12 Session Package: $130 (Per Session)