Orgasmic Living for Women

Free Your Inner Wild

Are you ready to unblock all that has been holding you back from being the fullest, creative, potential as an orgasmic being?

Are you ready to start creating from your Feminine Essence, with less struggling and with more ease?

Are you ready to receive what you deserve, living in your full power and potential!

Do you know that you have a creative, powerful life-force deep inside of you?

This is your wild feminine brilliance and magnetism.

I am here to guide you to connect & awaken it!


A SIX week online program, designed for you as a modern woman to unblock anything holding you back from your Feminine Sexual, Creative and Life Flow; your birthright, your ultimate manifestation power.

During these six weeks, Lianna Walden, and other teachers, are going to be your guides and teachers in the Art of Manifesting Your Feminine Power.

In this 6 week exploration you will:

*Learn about connecting to and magnifying from your orgasmic, erotic power.

*Resolve traumas that are blocking you from living your full feminine energetic potential.

*Learn how to connect with and work with your sexual energy so you can channel it to create & manifest whatever you desire.

*Develop deeper self love and conscious awareness for your body and your life.

*Experience the depth of your own feminine beauty & unleash your wild feminine flowing being.

*Feel the deeper sensations of your orgasmic being so that you radiate with brilliance and confidence.

Living as an Orgasmic Feminine Being

You are immersed in water; your body is made of water, water falls from the sky, the planet is mostly water. As a feminine being you are an ever-flowing being of this universal water. Just as the water flows you need to allow your emotions, your feelings, your desires, and your body to flow.

You are taught to hold back, to be a good girl, not to be so sexual, not to be so loud, not to be so wild, not to be so emotional and expressive, but that is NOT who you are.

There is no shame in letting this flow. It must. There is no shame in feeling and expressing deeply from within yourself.

You are the force that creates life!
You are the power that sustains this world flowing with love!

What if you could release and be supported in your wild release of life?

What if you could let yourself flow in the way she calls, so that you can create and manifest whatever you desire in your world?

When the body can flow and unblock the dams that can build up from holding in and holding back, the orgasmic feminine sensations in you will come alive, will help you in creating, will blossom fully into who you are meant to be.

You are a flowing river of precious water.
Let her flow freely!

The Orgasmic Living Process

For 6 weeks, we will meet for an online guiding and healing session, especially created for you.

*first month - Identifying the blockages and emotional debris. We will work on the purification and release of these energy blocks in your body so you can begin to flow and feel your body at a deeper level. Once a deeper connection is made, we will work at connecting with and receiving your intuitive signals leading you to your desires.

*second month - Once we have connected deeper with your inner being and your body, we will begin to Opening to your creative you, your desires, your greatest possibilities and planting the seeds of creation.

*fifth/sixth week - Creating the magic that your Wild Feminine Flow is meant do by gaining clarity on who you are as a sexual being and what you are desiring for your life.


  • You will be given potent and divine exercises, visualizations and mantras to infuse yourself with during that time. These will be magical in creating the vibration you need to access your transformation.

Meet Your Guide … Lianna Walden


Hello Sister,
I am Lianna Walden & I have made it my mission to transfer the energy of fear & shame to LOVE & PLEASURE!

I am a Sexual

& Spiritual Guide & Healer, living my life to fullest with the most bliss possible.

I live in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil & Vancouver, Canada and I also freelance travel.

I am here to guide people to discover who they are as sexual and spiritual beings. My goal is to offer the opportunity for you to live a more consciously pleasurable life.

I am a woman just like you. Once living with a family in a small town in Canada, I went to University to study Japanese language and culture. I spent a few years living in Japan where I was first introduced to an erotic and exotic way of living. I worked in film after that, with the Japanese and then later on my own as a Producer of provocative material. I was always fascinated in the erotic, the macabre, sexuality. My films all resonate with these themes. The marriage to my first husband launched me into many years experimenting and researching my own sexuality and spirituality. This took me to traveling the world, connecting with other teachers and guides and self-exploration to discover who I was in this paradigm.

The past 20 years I have been devoted to deep explorations, immersed in the teachings of masters around the world and passionate about guiding others in the possibilities that exist within their own lives.

I am an awakened woman, living the life of my dreams. I truly approach my life as a Feminine Orgasmic Being, free flowing, alive and shameless in how she lives her life.

My passion lies in empowering woman back to self love; honoring herself in her feminine ways and embracing who she is as a Wild Orgasmic Feminine Being.

Begin Your Journey Now!