Stuck in Bedroom Boredom?

What is Bedroom Boredom? An on-going situation with your partner where you are having the same kind of sex over and over again. It is completely boring and unsatisfactory. You are not feeling any desire and you are bored by what is happening or not happening. You are hardly ever having sex or maybe you are not having sex at all!!

When you are in Bedroom Boredom … THIS IS A WARNING, LISTEN TO IT!

A warning that it is time to make some SERIOUS change. Time to get back those feelings of pleasure and connection with your partner in anyway possible. And it is absolutely possible if you begin to take your SEX LIFE into your own hands.

Below I outline THREE things you can start to do to shift this BEDROOM BOREDOM to BLISSFUL CONNECTION.

Let’s Go!


You are in charge of what turns you on.

Yes really.

No one else know what gets you excited, turned-on, sexed out, hot, wet...except you!

You are the BOSS let's say.

So stop right now and decide that “I TAKE BACK MY PLEASURE.”


You may not know what that means yet, but keep that statement at the top of your thought process at all times.

So when you are sitting around and wondering “Are you going to have sex, or what?” or you are thinking “We haven't had sex for weeks or months.”

You don’t have to wait for it, create it! “I TAKE BACK MY PLEASURE.

And whatever comes up for you, DO IT!

2. Next DO what ever comes up in the realm of what gives you pleasure.

This is the scary part, actually putting this into action.

We tend to fall towards pain before we even let ourselves have a little bit of pleasure.

I know it’s bizarre that we like to beat ourselves up first.

BUt when you become conscious of the fact that you have a choice, you can shift that decision to have pain; frustration, loneliness, beating yourself up, blaming your partner, anger, physical pain (the list goes on) - instead choose PLEASURE!

HEAR these words from me coming to you “I TAKE BACK MY PLEASURE”.

Follow into this and see where it takes you.


It has been weeks since you have had intimate or sexual connection with your partner. And even when you do, it is boring as hell. But you want sex! You want connection!

So you decide to take back your pleasure. You say fuck it, I am going to create my own pleasure.

You clean up the bedroom, you put a nice throw on the bed, you put on some sexy Tantric music, you light some candles, you get dressed in your sexiest outfits or whatever feels amazing to you on your body, maybe you light a joint for yourself or have a glass of wine.

You have pleasure putting this all together.

You have pleasure dropping into the pleasure of the scene you have created.


You create pleasure by starting to move with the music.

You let pleasure in your body as you flow with the sensual, pleasurable scene you have created.

How does that sound?

Scary? Weird? It may feel a bit strange doing this on your own just for YOU, but I strongly encourage you to give it a try and see what happens.

As for your partner, do not say anything. You do it for you. You create your own pleasure.

Let your partner do what they feel like doing. They may come in and check on you.

Keep in your pleasure.

They may want to join.

Make it your PLEASURE that invites them in.

3. Begin to cherish your genitals.

When we are not experiencing much pleasure, often our sex (genitals) is shut down from pleasure or desire. We need to get that energy activated again, we need to bring some attention to our sex again.

So start sending LOVE to your sex.

Start adorning your sex like tit was the most beautiful, magical, desired place in your body.

Start talking gently and lovingly with lots of loving compliments to your sex.

Look at your sex in the mirror and get to know it like it was the most precious part of your body.

Breathe deeply into your sex to send it lots of energy and oxygen.

Set up a loving, exotic, beautiful ceremony for your sex.


Bring your sex back to life!

You sex is the center of your sexual energy.

Give it attention and it will start to let you know exactly what it desires to create more pleasure.

These steps are part of your own sexual exploration.

Feelings will come up. Fears might emerge. This is normal. Keep focused on treating you and your sex with LOVE and PLEASURE and you will begin to feel and see your intimate and sexual life shifting in lush, sensual ways.


If you're done with struggling and trying to figure it out on your own and you're ready for
A TRANSFORMATION out of Bedroom Boredom and into Blissful Connection , then I invite you to get on a call with me.


lianna walden