Your Relationship is Ever Changing

You come together in an intimate sexual relationship because you find someone who you desire.

You click. You get one another.

Sex is good, connection is strong, love is growing.

You want to keep this feeling flowing for as long as possible.

The relationship is the entity which you and your partner are creating, moment to moment.

It is the blank slate which only the two of you have ability to orchestrate.

Do you want an entity which is healthy, honest, adaptable to change, forgiving, understanding and with the utmost love to offer and receive?

Then you surrendering yourself completely to the relationship in your strongest, most honest, most loving way ever can bring those outcomes.

And when change arrives, usually when you least expect it, you are ready to take on the challenge.

When change comes it may come in the form of a dilemma. You are feeling one way about something and confused about how this new feeling may affect your relationship.

This is not the time to back off. This is the time to go deeper, to jump in full on.

Full on means looking at the choices you have in this dilemma. Which choice is the scariest for you?

Then that is the direction the relationship needs you to go.

Holding back on making that choice or going in that direction is affecting you and your relationship right now.

The scariest part is the attachment to the outcome you create. You can not know the outcome right now.

Go into the choice with love, with the power of who you are and the outcome will present itself in just the perfect way.

This is the moment for your strength to the relationship.

Being honest is your power.

Being true to your choices is your power.

Feel this choice and dive in.

There is no good time or right time. The only time is NOW time.

In a relationship you will be faced with dilemmas over and over again.

Your relationship is a plant; growing, blossoming, wilting and dying over and over again.

If you want to keep the relationship truly alive, then keep being the strongest YOU ever.

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