When You Are Successful, So Am I
Did You Know That Your Success Affects Me?
When you are successful so am I.
We are all actually one big connected force, acting in unity.
You create your reality so therefore if you come in contact with another who has had a success, you are actually having that success too.
It is how you decide to react to the situation which makes all the difference in how you are feeling in your life and in the relationship with the other entity.
Being jealous, upset, feeling lesser than or generally pissed off at the other person for their success is one way.
Expressing pleasure for the other person; giving your honest congratulations to their success; feeling happiness and joy for them is another.
If you are able to look at everything as an extension of you.
If you are able to truly accept that what you attract into your life is based on exactly who you are and how you feel right now, you might choose that anyone's success was something to celebrate.
Those feelings you generate of joy and happiness for another are all that matter in helping you feel good. You are activating energy which is beneficial to you and motivational to you.
This relates in all the relationships you are having whether a quick connection or a long term intimate partnership.
Your choice in feeling is what can expand or contract the relationship.
When you look at everything in your external life as tied to you in some way, it is easier to be conscious in the thoughts you feel.
What kind of energy do you want to generate in your life?
Your friend is madly in love, feel the joy for their love like it is part of you.
Your partner begins a new business, celebrate for them like it is your success.
That person on Instagram has 56K followers, feel the happiness for their growth like it was yours.
The success of others is your success too. Build the energy that best generates feelings that are joyful inside you and you will start to see these feelings expanding more and more in your life.
It makes such a difference how you walk in your life when you think of it as a unified entity.
Whatever you come in contact with is part of you, how do you want to feel about it right now?